Dear Customer, Foodarna AB (“Foodarna”/“We”/ “Us”/ “Our”)  is pleased to share with you its policy for data protection and privacy (“Privacy Policy”). We would like to give you an easily understandable overview of our data protection process along with the steps taken from our end to ensure privacy of your data. Our overarching goal is to provide you with an amazing customer experience that also means that you can always trust us, with complete transparency and honesty. We would like to thank you for your faith in us and for your this cooperation.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before using or accessing our platform/ app or before submitting any personal information to us. This Privacy Policy is a part of and is to be read with the user/customer terms and conditions ( for users and chef terms and conditions ( for chefs and driver terms and conditions ( for drivers/riders. This Privacy Policy applies only to the information that is collected through our Services, by way of email, text or other electronic communications sent through or in connection with the Services (“Your Data”/ “Personal Information”).

We track your location for the following purposes:

  • Provide location-based services: We may use your location data to offer personalized services, such as finding nearby points of interest, tailored recommendations, or relevant information based on your location.
  • Improve user experience: Tracking location helps us enhance our services, optimize content, and provide a better user experience by understanding how users interact with our application in different locations.
  • Analytics and research: We may analyze location data in an aggregated and anonymized manner to gain insights into user behavior, trends, and preferences. This information is used to improve our services and make informed business decisions.

We at Foodarna are continually striving for providing you with an amazing customer experience and are driven by your trust in our product. You can always contact us via the following ways: Address: Grepvägen 1, Tyresö, Sweden.
The terms “You” and “Your” refer to the user of our App and the term “Services” refers to any service offered by us whether on our App or on the Platform or otherwise. By accessing our website, by downloading/ using our app and platform, by subscribing/ registering as a user or by placing orders, you thereby agree to this privacy policy.
As a controller of data , we respect your privacy and are committed to protect it through our compliance with the law and through this Privacy Policy. As your data controller, we may transfer data to other members mentioned in this Privacy Policy itself and process/ retain your personal information forming part of your Data, on its servers at various places in India.

We are proud to share with you that all our processing activities are in accordance with legal requirements, of which some frequent acts of processing your data can be accessed, but also you may reasonably expect these processing of your personal data (link to “legitimate interests”). 

Our platform may contain links to other websites. Any personal information shared by you while browsing such linked websites, shall not be our obligation to protect. We have no control over such practices and content of any website accessed in this fashion and this Privacy Policy does not apply to any third party.

We may change/ modify/ update this Privacy Policy followed by a notification to that effect on the website/ platform/ App interface. In case the change or modification is substantial in nature, we shall endeavor to provide a reasonable advance notice of such change by posting it in a prominent manner on the website/ platform/ App interface. However, for all legal purposes, your continued usage of our Services post the changes shall constitute your consent to the change modification.

As a customer you have the choice which information you would like to share with us. Of course, we need some information for the fulfillment of our contract and for providing best customer experience to you. However, apart from mandatory disclosure of information. You can take the following steps to disclose less information about yourself: 

Cookies: You can install additional add-ons in your browser that block unnecessary cookies. By doing so, you will not see any interest-based advertisements.
Advertising: If you do not want to receive newsletters from us, you can unsubscribe at any time. In this case, we will not be able to send you any cool offers. 
No data sharing: If you do not want to share any information with us at all, that'’s a shame. In this case we cannot convince you how great our products are. 

Right to access: You have the right to be informed which data we store about you and how we process this data. 

Right to rectification: If you notice that stored data is incorrect, you can always ask us to correct it. 

Right to erasure: You can ask us at any time to delete the data we have stored about you. 

Right to restriction of processing: If you do not wish to delete your data, but do not want us to process it further, you can ask us to restrict the processing of your data. In this case, we will archive your data and reintegrate it into our operative systems only if and when you so wish. However, during this time you will not be able to use our services, since we will refrain from processing your data. 

Right to data portability: You can ask us to transmit the data stored about you in a machine-readable format, to you or to another responsible person named by you in this regard. In this context, we will make the data available to you in JSON format. 

Right to object to the processing of your data: You can revoke your consent at any time or object to the further processing of your data, in accordance with the prescribed procedure therefore. This also includes objecting to our processing, which we process without your consent but based on our legitimate interest and for an object permissible under law. (This applies, for example, to direct marketing). You can object to receiving further newsletters at any time. If you do not agree with one of our processing purposes based on our legitimate interest or wish to object to it, you may object to the processing at any time on grounds relating to your particular situation. Please write an email to [email protected]
In case of objections, we will review the processing activity again and either stop processing your data for the concerned  purpose or explain to you our reasons for continuing processing of your data in a protected manner.

Automated decision making: We also process your data as per the context setting mechanisms and algorithms in order to simplify our processes. Of course, you have the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing. If you believe that we have denied your access in an unjustified way, you can always contact us at [email protected]. In this case, we will examine the case separately and decide on a case-
by-case basis. 

Right of complaint: If you believe that we have done something wrong with your  data or your rights, you can complain to the appropriate supervisory authority at any time. The supervisory authority responsible for us is: Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten Phone: 08-65761 00 E-mail: [email protected] 
To exercise your rights, you can contact [email protected] at any time.

In the following paras about our processing activities, we refer to categories of personal data, each,  include several pieces of personal
information , which are usually processed together for the legitimate purposes.Your data or Personal information is such information  as can be used to can identify you or make you/ your computer or other connectivity equipment identifiable but does not include information that has been deliberately made anonymous, upon your request. Only such Personal Information is covered within the ambit of this Privacy Policy as is received directy from you or collected through cookies, web beacons or trackers, upon your usage/ browsing/ access of our platform or app or through third-party plug ins.
We generally process the following categories of personal information, for the following reasons: 

Contact Information including but not limited to : name, address, telephone number, email address, your ID from any social media (if applicable), etc.
If you contact us, we collect this data because we need to know who we are talking to and what your interests are like, so that we can help you with
your requirements. Your comments/ likes on our social media posts: We do not combine this data with your profile data on our platform, but we can still identify you by your social media ID. Location data including but not limited to address, postcode, city, country, longitude,Latitude:  We need these data to be able to deliver your orders. We create the longitude and latitude automatically in order to be able to process your delivery address in our other linked systems, such as our Rider app, and to display your address to our riders or riders of restaurants or shops.

Profile data (or the master data) including but not limited to n: Name, email address, password, telephone number, delivery addresses, interests, demographic data (age, delivery address): This data is your master data, which we absolutely need for our services and which it is obligatory for you to provide to us in order to avail our services. For instance, without an email address/telephone number and a password, you cannot create a profile. Together with your name, this is your master data. Similarly, to ensure that you are not a minor, we need to know your age.
Device information and access data: such as device ID, device identification, operating system and corresponding version, time of access, configuration settings, information on Internet connection (IP address), etc.: With each access this information is stored by us for technical reasons. We also use parts of this information to detect suspicious behavior at an early stage and to avert damage. 
Order information such as: Order history, selected restaurants or shops, invoices, order ID, comments on orders, information on payment method, delivery address, successful orders and cancelled orders:  Each time you place an order, this information will be added to your profile. You can view all this information in your profile at any time. The information should give you an overview of your own interests and previous orders. We will also use the same information to improve our services. In addition, we will anonymize this information when you request a deletion or when your profile becomes inactive in order to continue to use this information in an anonymized form to optimize our services. 
Communication data: If you would like to receive a newsletter, an SMS or an in-app push notification from us, we need certain information to send you the messages. Instead of addressing you with “Hey You”,we find it more customer friendly to address you with your name. This category of personal
information is also used by us to contact you, for example, if a product cannot be delivered and we want to offer you an alternative instead. Similarly, to make the online ads you may see from us more relevant, we may use this data.

Payment information like: payment method, pseudonymized credit card information,etc.: We need this information to track your payments and assign them to the orders you have placed.
Delivery information like : name, delivery address, phone number, order ID: In accordance with the principle of data minimization, we only provide our riders and partners with the information that they need from you to prepare and deliver your order.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is your consent, in accordance with Article 6 para 1(b) of the GDP. You grant us this consent by feeding your Login credentials in any of the following manner:

Login credentials created on our website: If you already have an existing customer account, you will need to enter your email address and password to log in. If we detect irregularities during registration, such as entering the wrong password several times, we will take appropriate measures to prevent damage to you and us. 

Single-Sign-On Facebook: If you have a Facebook profile, you can register on our website to create a customer account or to register using the social plugin “Facebook Connect”; of the social network Facebook, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park,
CA 94025, USA (“Facebook”), within the framework of the so-called Single Sign On technology. You can recognize the social plugins of “Facebook Connect” on our website by the blue button with the Facebook logo and the inscription”Log in with Facebook” or
“Connect with Facebook” or “Log in with Facebook” or “Sign in with Facebook”.  If you call up a page of our website that contains such a plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection to the Facebook servers. The content of the plugin is transmitted directly from Facebook to your browser and integrated into the page. Through this integration, Facebook receives the information that your browser has called up the corresponding page of our website, even if you do not have a Facebook profile or are not logged on to Facebook. This information (including your IP address) is transmitted directly from your browser to a Facebook server in the USA and stored there. These data processing operations are carried
out in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 (f) GDPR on the basis of Facebook's legitimate interest in the display of personalised advertising on the basis of surfing behaviour. By using this “Facebook Connect” button on our website, you can also log in or register on our website using your Facebook user data. Only if you give your express consent in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 (a) GDPR prior to the registration process on the basis of a corresponding note on the exchange of data with Facebook, will we receive the general and publicly accessible information stored in your profile when using the Facebook “Facebook Connect” button on Facebook, depending on your personal data protection settings on Facebook. This
information includes user ID, name, profile picture, age and gender. We would like to point out that after changes have been made to Facebook's data protection conditions and terms of use, your profile pictures, the user IDs of your friends and the friends list may also be transferred if they have been marked as “public” in your Facebook privacy settings. The data transmitted by Facebook is stored and processed by us for the creation of a user account with the necessary data, if this has been released by you on Facebook (title, first name, surname, address data, country, e-mail address, date of birth). Conversely, we can transfer data (e.g. information on your surfing behaviour) to your Facebook profile on the basis of your consent. The consent given can be revoked at any time by sending a message to us. Facebook Inc. adheres to the Standard Contractual Clauses to ensure an adequate level of protection for personal data can always be ensured.

 Google account:
If you have an account with Google, you can use this account to log in to our service. Google accounts for European users are provided by Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (“Google Ireland”), a subsidiary of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre
Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 (“Google”). By using the “Continue with Google”button on our website, you can log in or register on our website using your Google user data. Only if you give your express consent in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 (a) GDPR prior to the registration process on the basis of a corresponding note on the exchange of data with Google, will we receive your Google user ID, user name and email address. We will never receive your Google password and cannot log in to your Google account. You can learn more about data sharing with Google when logging in to our service with Google by reviewing Google’s explanations here: The data transmitted by Google is stored and processed by us solely for the creation of a user account with the necessary data. Google adheres to the Standard Contractual Clauses to ensure an adequate level of protection for personal data can always be provided.

If you have an account with Apple, you can use your Apple ID to log in to our service. Apple IDs are provided by Apple Inc. One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, California, USA, 95014 (“Apple”). By using the “Log in with Apple” button on our website, you can log in or register
on our website using your Apple ID. Only if you give your express consent in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 (a) GDPR prior to the registration process on the basis of a corresponding note on the exchange of data with Apple, will we receive your Apple user ID, user name and email address. We will never receive your Apple password and cannot log in to your Apple account. The data transmitted by Apple is stored and processed by us solely for the creation of a user account with the necessary data. Please note that we have no visibility of, or influence on, the processing practices of Apple in the context of initially setting up your Apple ID. To learn more about Apple’s privacy practices, please visit 

We process your personal data only in accordance with the strict legal requirements. We pay particular attention to the fact that all principles for the processing of personal data, in accordance with the applicable national laws and the General Data Protection Regulation,2018 (GDPR) of the European Union (EU) are taken into account. Therefore, we only process your data if this is lawful and you can reasonably expect it to be processed. If, in the
course of our evaluation, we come to the conclusion that the processing cannot reasonably be expected, we will only carry out the processing with your express consent.
Amongst many others, we collect your data including your personal information for the following purposes:
i) To provide, personalize, maintain and improve our services
ii) To fulfil our obligations arising from contracts entered into between you and us
iii) To provide you with relevant information and offers
iv) To implement the security policies/ mechanisms of our platform and this privacy policy for protection of data privacy
v) To understand user behavior and patterns in order to customize solutions
vi) To launch and take participation of users in surveys and analysis
vii) To gauge the effectivity of business, services and facilitate commercial decision making
viii) To share with government agencies for the purpose of crime prevention and investigation
ix) To carry out or undertake research.


  1. Collection of Sensitive Data: We only collect sensitive data when it is necessary to provide our services or with your explicit consent. Sensitive data may include, but is not limited to, personal identification information, financial information, health-related information, and any other data that is considered sensitive under applicable laws.

  2. Purpose of Collecting Sensitive Data: We collect sensitive data for the following purposes:

    • Providing our services: Sensitive data may be necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations and deliver the services you have requested.
    • User authentication and authorization: Sensitive data may be used to verify your identity, grant access to specific features, and ensure the security of your account.
    • Personalization and customization: Sensitive data may be used to personalize your experience, tailor content, and provide relevant recommendations based on your preferences.
    • Legal compliance: In some cases, we may be required by law to collect and retain certain sensitive data for compliance with legal obligations.
  3.  We may collect the following types of information from users:
    • Personal information: This includes your name, email address, contact information, and any other information you provide voluntarily.
    • Usage information: We may collect data about how you interact with our services, such as the pages you visit, the features you use, and your preferences.
    • Use of Information: We use the collected information for the following purposes:

    • Providing and improving services: We use your information to deliver and enhance our services, personalize your experience, and ensure their proper functioning.

    • Communication: We may use your contact information to send you important updates, notifications, and respond to your inquiries.

    • Analytics and research: We may analyze aggregated and anonymized data to understand user behavior, trends, and preferences. This helps us improve our services and make informed business decisions.